Dragon Zone, September 28, 2024

The last race day of the 2024 dragon boat season started off sunny but cool. As on any race day, excitement and anticipation were in the air. The False Creek Masters began their series of three, 200m sprint races, by taking the lead in their first race with a time of 56.9 sec. The next qualifier, they maintained their lead and moved on to the Women’s A Final where they finished with a time of 54.998 sec. and a silver medal to show for their efforts!

To finish the day off, the FC Masters raced in the Women’s Division Guts and Glory race. The team competed in this 2000m race against 6 other strong and competitive women’s teams. The race consisted of four stretches of 500m linked by three quick turns. The first of three turns was an impressive feat as seen from the shore. With a staggered start, the Masters moved from 7th position at the start, to first place and a gold medal, passing five other boats in the process!

A great day was had by all, both paddlers and supporters alike. Winning both a gold and silver medal was an improvement on last year’s results at this regatta, and a great way to end the 2024 season. 

However, as the team is always striving to improve, they will continue to do so together over the winter, always working towards new goals for the upcoming season of dragon boating. See you on the water!